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Our Board

Yamhill Carlton Together Cares is overseen by a dedicated group of community members, business leaders, educators and family members of participants; a mix that encourages a diverse and comprehensive approach to management. The board’s vision is to continue supporting our current programs while also moving the agency forward in a financially responsible and community-focused direction.


Board seats are up for renewal every two years. Our board meets monthly as a group and as needed for topic-specific committees, an executive session is held after each board meeting. Community members are always welcome to attend Board meetings, email the Board President for more information. All Board Meeting Minutes are available upon request.


Hans Nordstrom

Board President

Hans Nordstrom is an Associate Professor of Mathematics at the University of Portland.  He and his family have lived in Carlton since 2006.  As an educator, Hans has experience at all levels, and, beginning with his service in the Peace Corps in 1996, he has dedicated his life to the education and formation of young people.  Hans has served on the YCTC board since 2016, as Secretary in 2017, and as Board President for the last four years.  He believes that YCTC and other community organizations focused on children and families are key to what may the Yamhill-Carlton community unique from other rural communities in the region.

steve davison

board of directors

Jenna Morgan


julia howard

Board Secretary


guy insley

board of directors

karen wright

board of directors

Karen, her family, and their business Ken Wright Cellars, have been major supporters of the non-profit sector of our greater community through personal volunteerism and charitable giving. Karen was on the original board of Juliette’s House & hosted their early fundraising events at Ken Wright Cellars. Karen & her husband Ken were co-founders of The Walk in the Park charitable foundation which has to date raised over $2 million for local needs. Ken and Karen chaired and supported the Salud Auction for many years, in an effort to provide healthcare to migrant farm families. With a fundraising opportunity from Jim Doran, Karen started the YC Soccer Club (YCSC) as a fiscally sponsored project of YCTC (then CTC) in 2010. The program started with 14 youth players, and now serves over 500 community members from toddler through adult annually. YCSC provides yea- round free programming, plus Spring and Fall league play. Through her efforts with the YCSC Can and Bottle Scholarship Program, the club raises funds to ensure that every child interested in participation can play regardless of financial means. In 2015, Karen raised funds and persuaded her husband to donate his wine equipment storage area to become a covered ”arena” where the kids can play, rain or shine & under lights year round. In 2020, through grant writing, fundraising and local business support for her programs, Karen built a community, youth-sized artificial turf field that is available for all club members at zero cost on property donated by her family. Annual membership for the YCSC is only $15. and everyone is welcome from the greater community. Karen’s programs have been recognized Nationally, highlighted by her receipt of the US Youth Soccer National Volunteer of the Year award in 2014. In 2015, she led her “crew” to outvote every major MLS community to become the MLS Community MVP’s of North America. Her Youth Mentorship programming and opportunities for leadership within the club recognizes dozens of youth (and adults) annually. As a Life-time Presidential Service Award winner, Karen is now registered as a Points of Light representative and many members within her program have now been recognized with the Presidential Volunteer Service Award.

Donna O'DEA

board of directors

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